If AI is well-trained, Human might communicate with it and don't even know they interact not with another Human. It's considered to be the most accurate evidence of AI quality.
Salesforce CRM has Einstein AI integrated into the core of its top cloud solutions. And also, Salesforce created AI-based chatbots, which are fully customized to meet businesses` unique needs. In this article, we'll discover the benefits of AI-based chatbots, find out which technologies are used to make them smart, and discuss the benefits of HIPAA-compliant Salesforce Einstein AI chatbots for the healthcare industry.
What are AI-based chatbots?
First of all, it should be noted that not all chatbots are AI-based. There are also scripted chatbots, which just follow the script, and don't really understand what Human wants from them. Also, such chatbots cannot build normal and realistic dialogue. They recognize keywords in user phrases and answer according to the programmed algorithm (so, if they misspelled the word or have written something in an unobvious context, the scripted bot would be useless).
Quite a long time ago, in the distant 1960s, MIT professor Joseph Weizenbaum developed Eliza - the first-ever chatbot. She was programmed to process the inputs and "chatting", following only the rules and directions of the script (the most famous script was the simulation of a psychotherapist, who was well-known for parroting back just what patients had just said). Also, Eliza, bless its coded heart, was one of the first programs capable of attempting the Turing test - a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to a human.
But let's come back to the subject. The main task of Conversational AI chatbots is to reduce human involvement in some processes (starting from support and ending in sales) but to provide users with a human-like experience (and in a perfect world - don't let Human understand they communicate with a machine). The main and obvious superiority of AI chatbots over scripted is their ability to self-improve and learn. Because of Machine learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Deep Neural Network capabilities, chatbots perceive each interaction as learning material. That's why the more bot communicates with Human, the more it learns how to satisfy our needs and be more similar to us.
Well-trained Conversational AI chatbot allows businesses to reduce the workload of the agents, resolve some support cases fast, always keep in touch with new and potential customers, and be available around the clock.
Salesforce Einstein: the world’s first AI chatbots for CRM
Salesforce Einstein is the first AI in the world created for CRM. It's a set of technologies that reinforce Salesforce's core cloud products, analyze customers` data to provide sales and marketing departments valuable insights, predict sales, determine leads sentiments, help to deal with issues on support, and more and more, and more.
Read our article Salesforce Einstein AI: how it works for Sales Cloud to find out more about the integration of artificial intelligence into Salesforce’s cloud products.
One of the ways how Einstein assists business users is support and basic communication automation via Salesforce. To release precious time and effort for more meaningful and deep conversations with clients, Salesforce Einstein AI provides a variety of advanced AI bots for simpler cases. Each Einstein Bot is customized by each business, which uses Salesforce AI chatbot to fit their needs and is powered by predefined business rules through a conversational user interface.
Such bots are mostly placed on companies' websites or applications and might be used in various cases. So, when a customer initiates a customer service chat (CSC), they are immediately connected to an Einstein bot first. For example, you visit an online shop for household appliances, need to buy a heater, and want to find out some details about the chosen product. On such a website might be a chatbot that offers you its help. If the user has a serious problem or difficult question, the bot sends a request to the support team, and then the live agent takes that case.
Einstein AI chatbot can be customized to your unique needs and requirements. For example, such an intelligent bot in Salesforce can be helpful in the lead generation and lead management process: a smart bot automatically creates leads from the interlocutors and transfers their data and interaction details to your Sales Cloud database. Contact us, and we'll help you to configure your Einstein AI chatbot.
HIPAA-compliant Einstein AI chatbots in Salesforce

To satisfy the needs of more businesses, Salesforce made their In-App and Web chatbots compliant with The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)*, so users in the healthcare industry can have secure conversations with AI online agents. Salesforce bots infrastructure now meets the highest standards for security, availability, and processing integrity of conversation data.
Such compliance is achieved by the ways the AI set of the technology behind the chatbot is designed and trained. Thus the algorithm cannot go beyond topics and approaches determined by HIPAA regulations. This also means data is processed, stored and operated in ways that guarantee patients’ privacy and safety. This change applies to Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic in Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions. Setup for Einstein Bots is available only in Lightning Experience.
* To be HIPAA compliant means that healthcare organizations keep patients' information private. Keeping such data safe requires healthcare organizations to take care of patients' personal records and related data in the following areas: administrative, physical security, and technical security.

Einstein AI chatbots use cases for Healthcare
Diagnostic Assistance for Doctors
In Thailand, in 2020, there were 9,5 doctors for every 10 000 people, or, for example, in Türkiye in 2019 - there were 19,28. Of course, it's impossible to have 1000 patients come to 1 doctor at a time. But what if something really serious appears (it seems like we had something similar two years ago, remember COVID-19?)? And no matter whether this is a pandemic or not, each disease has some typical symptoms. For such cases, AI may assist in initially interviewing patients on their symptoms, and passing the collected data to a doctor. It creates huge value, as knowing the core symptoms helps a doctor to proceed with the case faster, and have more time for individual diagnostics of each patient.
Around-the-clock availability
Clinics or other organizations with Einstein AI chatbot can always keep in touch with the clients, not spending money for a lot of support reps' night shifts. 24/7 availability makes the company much more trustworthy.
Personalized approach
As we said before, one of the great benefits of AI chatbot, compared to scripted, is that AI can learn from the data previously provided by the users. Also, in Salesforce CRM there is collected all contact points with the interacted person. So, AI can learn not only how to deal with general cases but also how to provide users with a personalized experience.
Imagine there is Tom, who needs to get a dentist appointment. Tom has an inflexible work schedule: he is available from Monday to Friday from 6 p.m. On weekends he doesn't like to visit the dentist, and on Wednesday, he has fencing classes. Tom told this to bot half a year ago. And bot remembered that. So, this time, when Tom texts the bot that he needs a dentist appointment, the bot texts him back the following (or almost the following, because we dreamed up Tom and bot): "Hello, Tom! I'm sorry for your teeth. If I'm not mistaken, you have an inflexible work schedule: you are available from Monday to Friday from 6 p.m., on weekends, you don't like to visit the dentist, and on Wednesday, you have fencing classes. Is it convenient for you to come on Tuesday at 7 p.m?". Imagine how happy Tom would be.
Higher retention rate
If Tom is satisfied, most likely, he wouldn't change the service provider and will recommend it to other people. Plus, continuous interaction causes higher engagement rates which leads to higher retention. And retention, in the long-term, is one of the most important indicators to ensure your success, as it increases clients’ LTV directly.
Einstein Bot - is an AI-based online assistant which can be used to greet customers, answer FAQs, reset account information and connect to Salesforce CRM. Such bots are the most useful for the support team, as they automatically resolve some users' problems and send more specific cases to the human agent (plus add it to the exact category of the problem). As opposed to scripted bots, Einstein AI bots are HIPAA compliant, which allows use in any organization which works in the healthcare area.

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